Cancelling your AgentPlan subscription 

We’re sad to hear you want to cancel your AgentPlan subscription, and would love to hear why you weren’t satisfied with our service. Any feedback you have would be appreciated in order for us to improve, so kindly send us an email and let us know why you feel AgentPlan wasn’t for you. 

In order to a cancel your account, the admin on the account needs to complete the following steps: 

  • Log in to the account you wish to cancel 
  • Select the settings tab  
  • Select billing 
  • Select cancel your subscription 

If you have already paid for the month in advance on a monthly subscription, you may continue to use the system until the end of your current billing cycle, and are not entitled to a refund for that period. 

For more information about how to cancel your account, please contact [email protected]  

Cancelling & deleting your account 

We’re sorry to hear that you want to leave us; our team would love to know if there’s anything we can do to change your mind.  

Although if you are certain about closing the account, please see the following notes for further details. 

• Only the account owner/admin can cancel and delete the account.
• Cancellation of your account is available at any time, and will end any further billing cycle payments.
• Trial users may also cancel their account before the expiry of the 14 day trial period, and any records will be kept by default in case you decide to reactivate your account. 

For more information about how to cancel your account, please contact [email protected]om